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Despite all my whining I did a few layouts this week. I wasn’t feeling inspired but I did create a layout for this week’s HMITM challenge – Joy challenged us to use 50 of one thing on a layout, I used paper and came up with this:

The complete and utter lack of journaling will prove how uninspired I was when I made this but I like it anyway. Just because 🙂 But I will be very sad when those Basic Gray chipboard alphas run out – I think they are the perfect font! I’d love to get another pack of them – let me know if you see them anywhere!

I was going to try scrapping for a few calls that were out but that might have been the root of my scrapper’s block so I nixed that idea and decided to pull out stuff that I had been hoarding/saving and use it on a layout. The result is a bit busy for me and devoid of white space (and journaling for that matter) but who can resist a cute twirling little girl?

And just one more – Cheryl Overton challenged Simple Studio blog readers to create a slice of life page using photos from last weekend. Luckily I’ve been taking a least a photo-a-day every day this month so I had something (not much!) to work with:

And there you have it. Nothing deep or meaningful but definitely a lot of