I’ve got a confession to make. I cannot alter. Or decorate. Or whatever you want to call it. I admire all the home decor projects that other people do but I can never manage to come up with one myself. That said, Cheryl Overton on the Simple Scrapbook’s Studio blog issued a challenge to use something that you’ve been hoarding and make a chart of checklist for someone. Viola – a chart for Molly to help her get ready in the morning. Finally a use for that Fancy Pants crown…seriously, that crown had me stumped for months! I used a chore chart by Kellie Mize (designerdigitals) as the basis for this little chart. I used Doodlebug papers and Gin-X alpha – I had to borrow Molly’s pink ink to color the letters. I printed the chart out, slapped it on some patterned paper, popped it in a sheet protector and attached it to the crown with ribbons, another bonus – used my Cropadile 🙂
Molly loves it and only time will tell if it will make life in the mornings any easier. At least it’s cute!
Ha – I am equally “altering-challenged!” But this is great – and I have been brainstorming chore charts for some time now, so I may just steal the whole idea!
Cute indeed!
Love this, great idea!
Paula, that is an adorable idea! Love it!!
Paula, how cute is that! Molly should be working really hard by now!
OH yes, its CUTE! and BRILLIANT! Ella needs a chore chart like this and like no one else…. I mean, Molly, get in line. OK. Paula. Give me yours. ha!