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I know I said I was happy to have Christmas scrapped…and I am. Mostly. With one teency problem. I don’t like the last layout I posted. I let it sit there for a few days and then it bothered me so much that I re-did it. Do you ever do that? I’ve found myself doing it more and more lately – tweaking or completely re-doing a layout until I’m happy. Or at least happier 🙂

Here’s the newest version of that last layout, using the exact same products. I think I like this one better, at least right now I do!

And here’s another layout that I ripped up and started over – this time a paper one, all I kept was the photos:

The original layout was a 2-pager that never sat right with me. This is much better.

I don’t usually redo my layouts but after looking through some of my old scrapbooks a while back I decided to remake any of them that really bugged me – hey, it made me happier and that’s good – right?