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How did 2007 end so quickly? Wasn’t it January 2007 just last week – it kind of feels like that to me at any rate! Not that lots of things didn’t happen last year, actually when I think about it so many things happened last year, it’s a wonder it doesn’t feel like 2 years has passed since last January. Ok I’m babbling. It’s just a reminder to myself to finish the 2nd half of a year in review layout that I started in November.

But right now I’m still working on Christmas. Remember how I said that I was determined to use those “less than perfect” photos? Well, here are a selection of, how shall I put this, horrendous photos from our Christmas Day celebration with my brother and his family. Nobody wanted to cooperate with the photographer! On the bright side, I’m done! Now I can move on to better photos 🙂 It’s all good.

Another digi layout. Credits: Swirled paper pack and Curled Notepaper by Katie Pertiet. I took elements from Inspired and I believe in You templates by Katie Pertiet. Christmas Traditions Solids by Jesse Edwards, Sweet Wishes kit by Lynn Grieveson, Christmas Wishes stamp by Art Warehouse. Title is Holiday Glitz Words by Dana Zarling. All from Designer Digitals.