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Some days it’s a good idea to just do nothing. Today was one of those days. I spend so much time trying to plan activities, figuring out how best to use our time. Some days doing nothing IS the best use of our time. We hung around the house. We did a few chores. We did some yard work. We chatted with neighbors. Molly rode her bike up, down, over and back…at least that is one good thing about our new house – she can ride right out on the street. We’ve had so many days where we have become despondent thinking of all the things we need to do with the house…but really, the fact remains, the fact that M can cycle on the street remains a big reason why we moved. It’s good. The ants…not so good but there’s always Terminex.

We just came back from a very pleasant meal at Not Your Average Joe’s. Yummy. I remembered to bring coloring books and crayons for the kids so they were happy while waiting for their food. The waitress was wonderful. The food was delicious. Everyone behaved. We felt like grown-ups. Loved it.

I didn’t take one photo today but that’s ok. There’s other days for photos – right?