This time Francine wants me to post 7 random photos.
Here goes:
(1) My giant stash of HOF goodies – talk about a good mail day! Two enormous packs of paper, rub-ons, some thickers and felt flowers from AC, stuff from Basic Grey, Fancy Pants, Tinkering Ink, Doodlebug (oodles of stuff), Technique Tuesday, Close to my Heart, Making Memories, Hambly and Crate Paper and even more stuff that I can’t remember right now. WOW!
<-I call this his Mahna mahna face. Tommy's favorite song at the moment is, you guessed it, Mahna Mahna, as sung by Cake on the For the Kids album. He requests it over and over…took me a while to figure out what on earth he was saying the first time!! All I have to do at the moment to get him to laugh is to sing Mahna Mahna, do do do do do….Mahna Mahna…. Admit it, it’s stuck in your head now – right?
Man, does that kid ever need a haircut. One of these day’s I’ll brave it.
This face just cracks me up! He’s working so hard on his coloring – I love the fact that he’s really into that right now. He and Molly could color for hours.
He’s big into lying on the floor, not so much into cooperating with my requests to take photographs. I thought this one was fun though, I put the camera on the floor to take this shot – kinda cool, no?
This beautiful arrangement came into my possession because I admired it when I saw it. Gotta love when people just say – you want it? Take it! Makes me happy to see these on my table.
It’s both exciting and frightening to see this sign on our front lawn. Good that things are moving along but not so good in that we don’t have a place to live…yet. All in good time – right?
And finally, I leave you with this. How sweet are these two? It’s almost impossible to get them both looking at the camera and looking good at the same time, but this is the next best thing. I hope they stay as good friends as this forever.
Holy HOF goodies batman! lol I love that photo of the flowers, gorgeous! And the cute kids are waking my maternal urges, so stop that. 🙂
wow–love seeing the HOF goodies!!! congrats again!!!