Yesterday’s quote:
The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.
-Anna Quindlen
This struck a chord with me. I’ve actually been working on this this year. I’m a perfectionist, always have been. I can remember being incredibly upset at school when I was five or 6 because I had an incorrect answer in my homework. I wanted to rip the offending page out of my copy book, all because it made it less than perfect. Obviously I lightened up a big over the years but I have a habit of not doing things because I don’t want to do them badly. I don’t want to be disappointed with the results. Which makes the fact that I got it together and entered CK HOF contest even more of an achievement. My entry is far from perfect but it is 100% me. I didn’t leave myself time to second guess myself and just went with what I could do between February 1st and the 6th. I thought I’d be stressed about creating perfect layouts but I had so much fun just creating whatever I felt like. I even enjoyed putting the entry together – what were other people complaining about? Ok, so that appeals to the detail-oriented side of my nature! I’m definitely going to do it again. Yes, definitely, giving up on being perfect is a very good thing.
Way to go you! 🙂 I’m the same way, I still have nightmares about the mistake I made in French on my fil’s birthday card 2 years ago! lol