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The kids were in camp in the mornings for the past week so I’ve finally managed to catch up on life and got to play a little myself! The fabulous Doris sent me some wonderful American Crafts goodies (and JBS stuff) a while back and they’ve been sitting on my desk looking all forlorn. Not any more! I scrapped some photos of Molly before her dance recital (I love that pink woodgrain)

(supplies: Core’dinations cardstock, American Craft papers, thickers and embellishments)
and some photos from a night out in Ireland. More layouts from Ireland to come soon.

(supplies: Core’dinations cardstock, American Craft papers, thickers and embellishments)
Then I had a brainwave looking at the package of vinyl embellishments and an old shadow box frame and came up with this:

It makes me happy to look at it in my craft room!

I even did a little digi for this week’s HMITM challenge – behind the 8 ball. This documents last week’s duck tour with my cousin — thanks for coming to visit Suz!

(credits can be found here)
Whew! Would you believe there’s more? I’m putting the finishing touches on my Piggy Tales projects for this month so I’ll be posting those shortly. And then I’m off to play with the kids!