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Happy Monday everyone! It’s time for a new ad inspiration challenge. I’m thrilled to see that you are enjoying the ads and look forward to seeing some more layouts inspired by them (hint! hint!). This week’s ad is pretty simple but I think you can take it in many different directions. The arrangement of Nook readers made me think of photo clusters – what do you see?


That Jane Lynch is so funny. Love her!

On to my interpretations – I did 2, yay me! First, my digital interpretation. I added a LOT of photos here, documenting our trip to Disney’s Animal Kingdom last month. The photo as a title was a happy accident – I realized as I added the photo to the layout that it could be blended into the background. I think the layout needs something else but I’m not sure what so I’m calling it done for now.

Supply list can be found at Designer Digitals

And my paper version, again using digital cluster frames (possibly my all-time favorite digital product). I’m still playing with that slap ’em down “style” – this took me very little time (no need to say “obviously!”). I’m quite taken with it all the same. šŸ™‚ We’re having trouble remembering that it’s actually winter around these parts and went looking for ice-cream and out-door fun last week, during winter vacation.

What do you think? Does this ad inspire you? Link me up if you create something inspired by this ad, or any of the earlier one ā€“ Iā€™d love to hear from you!