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I take a photo every day. Usually more, but always one. I did project 365 back in 2008 and made a shutterfly album with the results and I was so happy that I did. Last year I lost steam mid-year (in my defense I also had camera problems) but this year I decided to try it again. I’m keeping up with it – I’m even doing layouts this year but more on that another day. My good pal Emily is posting about photography this week at Write.Click.Scrapbook so I offered to help her out. Now I don’t think I’m that great a photographer but Emily had a specific assignment for me and I knew she wouldn’t give me something that I couldn’t handle. I had to do a photographic interview – it was fun and not too painless given that I was already taking photos every day. I decided to incorporate my answers into a mini-album mostly because I have a bind-it-all and I love to make those little books, especially when I have all the content mapped out for me. The questions were:

  1. What is the first thing you see in the morning?
  2. The biggest thing to happen to you recently/soon?
  3. Your best mirror shot
  4. The person that you see the most in a week
  5. Your favourite shoes
  6. Your favourite meal
  7. The colour of your eyes
  8. Your favourite place to be on a Friday night

This is what I made:

Supplies: Bella Blvd patterned papers, Core’dinations cardstock, Little Yellow Bicycle sticker buttons,
Making Memories alpha, Jillibean Soup canvas flowers, Bind It All half inch silver wire

I used Cathy Zielske’s new Journal Card Brushes and Stamps on the interior photo pages. It added a little embellishment to the photo. I found some of the text was getting lost so I added a layer underneath to look like vellum (lowering the opacity of a thin white strip layer).

Check out the post at to see all of the photos and my journaling.