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Eek! This month is just flying by. I’ve been super busy with very little to show for it, but in time I will – I promise! My mom was visiting, which was so nice so I spent more time on the living part of my life, rather than the scrapping 🙂 She even sent us (dh and I) off to the movies by ourselves one night – whoo hoo! I can’t remember the last movie I saw in the theater. We saw Slumdog Millionaire and even though it won tons of Oscars I really didn’t know a lot about it (shame on me!). I LOVED it. What a great story, brilliantly executed and the final scene with the dance on the train platform, well, that just rocked! We got the soundtrack and the kids and I have been bopping around the place to “Jai Ho” all week (click on the link to see the youtube video with that dance scene). If you haven’t seen it – go! It’s worth seeing it on the big screen.

I just put the finishing touches on my first article for The Scrap Review yesterday. It goes live on Monday, the 16th and is a comparision of Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. If you were ever wondering which one to get, this article should help you decide. The reviews of other products have already started and there are tons of giveaways – it’s definitely worth checking out 🙂

I’m also working on a bunch of other projects – I’m revamping my Intro to Digi Scrapping class that I taught at NYCScraps and hope to have that available to Debbie’s “Get it Scrapped” site soon. Lots of fun stuff coming up. And now I’m off to think positive thoughts about Spring’s arrival. It’s coming -right?