Today’s quote:
“It’s not what I do, but the way I do it. It’s not what I say, but the way I say it”.
— Mae West
I’ve actually thought about this before. Plagued as I am with self-doubt, I often compare myself negatively to others. I hesitate to do layouts all about me or even tell people that much about myself. But then I was inspired by a comment somebody made (I think it might have been Stacy Julian) where they talked about how our lives are unique, that nobody else is living the exact life that I am. I’ve learned enough over the years to live the life I want to live, and as far as scrapbooking goes, telling my story, my way is what I can do best. I did my first layout about myself last year and plan on doing many more this year. How else is my daughter going to know that mommy lost a contact lens in a mosh pit once? True story!
you must scrap that!!!
I love that last part about the mosh pit. So will your daughter!!!
That is classic – remember – you don’t WANT to be like everybody else!!!!! be YOU!