Created for the Template Challenge at Designer Digitals.
Why is it so difficult to get 4 people looking at the camera and all smiling? We just have to take what we can get!
Speed Byte No. 151
Naturally Krafty No. 12 Paper Pack
Jules Kit
Assorted Messy Stitches: White No. 06
Happy Element Clusters No. 01
Painted Thanksgiving Words Brushes and Stamps
Threaded Wraps No. 05
Fine Lines Border Lines Brushes and Stamps No. 04
I won’t be able to thank you fully for the articles on your web-site. I know you’d put a lot of time and energy into all of them and hope you know how much I appreciate it. I hope I could do the same for someone else sometime.
Never thought blogging could be soo fun and interesting. Man you know how to do it brother.
I couldnt have said it any better to be honest! keep up the awesome work. You are very talented & I only wish I could write as good as you do 🙂 …